Yes! "it was worse than a crime, it was a mistake."
On the Club For Growth targeting Wayne Gilchrest repeatedly in the congressional 1st.
County Kratovil Harris
Somerset 5,448 3,626
Kent 6,281 3,133
Anne Arundel 27,166 29,996
Caroline 6,470 5,639
Dorchester 8,016 5,783
Queen Anne's 12,281 10,059
Wicomico 21,901 16,442
Baltimore 14,854 20,776
Cecil 19,541 18,800
Harford 25,384 35,517
Worcester 13,703 11,537
Talbot 10,452 8,186
TOTALS 171,497 169,494
Yes! "it was worse than a crime it was a mistake."
On Sarah Palin:
Yes! it was worse than a crime it was a mistake.
Worse than a Crime.
It was worse than a crime, it was a blunder. Said by Talleyrand of the murder of the Duc d’Enghien by Napoleon I.
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